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In Pennsylvania, California and Georgia, parents and coaches brawled over referee calls and team plays. Put these guidelines in writing, and make sure each parent and coach have a copy.* Consider getting involved in your own sport. The other person may recognize before you do that your stress level is climbing.* Understand the roles of coach, parent and child in youth sports. Here are some tips from Power and Larsen:* Get some distance. Each point on this "triangle" is important, and boundaries must be respected. "When kids aren't performing well, don't make it worse by showing your disappointment."Power cautions parents to consider a child's personality type and sensitivity level before voicing any frustration during a game. Pick any professional sport and you'll probably find the youth league equivalent in a community near you. Parents can help children set personal performance goals--like running faster, passing more accurately or improving one's free throw--before a game, and check in about them afterward. Instead, find an adult league and go to it!Phil has been writing articles for local print and online media for nearly a decade. In Nike Requin Jupiter, Fla., an athletic association now requires at least one parent from each family to attend a sportsmanship course before children can participate in league sports. If you have untended dreams of being a baseball hero or soccer star, don't play them out through your child. Prompt the child calmly to relax, and remain calm yourself."Positive sports involvement builds self-esteem and discipline, improves emotional and physical well-being, and helps kids develop new friendships. These children need to be desensitized to pressure, which takes encouragement and affirmation on the parent's part."With a sensitive child, notice the little things and be positive," Power says, "Say, 'Good effort! Good pitch! Good swing!'... Thought to build strength of character, fitness and flexibility, team sports can also help children develop social skills and resourcefulness.Unfortunately, two BIG things can get in the way of these positive outcomes: Mom and Dad."Generally speaking, it's very helpful for parents to be involved as spectators when their children are playing sports," says Thomas Power, Ph.D., a child psychologist at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia and a youth sports coach. A child's sports experience requin tn ultimately "depends on the environment created by coaches and parents," she says. A child can attain personal performance goals even if the team loses, and gain a greater sense of control and satisfaction, irregardless of the final score."Be encouraging even when things don't go well," Larsen adds. But these benefits are lost if children feel overly pressured by parental expectations. Support your child by attending the game, but take frequent short walks to break the intensity.* Enlist the help of your spouse or another parent or guardian to help monitor your emotional investment. "Is the focus on just winning? Or is it on improving and having fun?"Instead of focusing on overall outcomes, such as winning or losing, Larsen says parents should focus on performance goals. "But it can be quite thorny because some parents get overly involved and too emotional during games."This emotionality can cause parents to holler at kids, refs and coaches, turning a pleasant pastime into an experience fraught with anxiety for children.It happened in Florida, when an enraged parent swung a baseball bat at an unsuspecting coach. In those cases, Larsen says, kids will either lose interest or conclude, "Mom and Dad only love me when I bring home the trophies."Several communities have taken steps to keep blustering parents in line. Some kids are extremely hard on themselves, he says, and a parent's negativity will only compound the child's bad feelings. In Ohio and Connecticut, leagues are instituting a "silent sidelines policy" to keep cheers--and jeers--under control.Parents can do their part to keep sports experiences positive for children by keeping their own emotional reactions in check. It's a disturbing behavior among some parents in the stands."It's really important for parents to channel their emotions properly," Power says.Lene Larsen, a child psychologist at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, agrees. Agree on a parents' code of conduct at games. It confuses children when parents act like coaches during a game.* Plan a sportsmanship meeting with other team parents before your child's season begins. Not only does he specialize in family issues, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest work on Supplements And Health, a guide to dietary and natural health supplements.. Soldes Chaussures Sport Mode tn requin cartoon pour hommeVente en ligne de chaussures nike tn requin cartoon noir et rouge et rose