Some are large publicly traded operations, others are equally good yet private entities run by companies,
individuals and former professional sports bettors. Sportsbook A might specialize in NFL games and pay
extremely close attention to team injury reports and other events that might turn the tables
on the odds and on the spread. Once it has been identified, immediate action is
necessary to capitalize on this market inefficiency.So what exactly am I rambling about? Different odds
for the same sporting event.There are a variety of online sports books. This is not
a get rich quick scheme and very few people have the time or capital to
make a professional living out of it. It is the concept of Arbitrage.According to,
Arbitrage is:ar·bi·trage (ärb-träzh) n.The purchase of securities on one market for immediate resale on another
market in order to profit from a price discrepancy.In other words, arbitrage is the opportunity
to buy an asset at a low price then immediately sell it in a different
market for a higher price. Well it looks like ProSportsBlog has a perfect record so
far nailing the predictions on the Atlanta and Denver (whew that was close!) Thanksgiving games.Now
I dont want to tout my own horn for a number tn requin of reasons which are
detailed below:- Going 2-2 although nice is no big deal and easily achievable by people
with absolutely no prior betting experience or for that matter knowledge of professional football;-
As we will all soon find out, my record although hopefully good, is going to
be nowhere near perfect; and finally- There is no such thing as a sure
bet due to all the factors that affect a game's outcome such as weather, travel
and the individual performance of all the players involved.So therefore, this sports handicapping thing is
just a hobby which we all use to tell our friends "I told you so"
or "my team rocks" or "your team sucks" or .....well you get the point.Its nothing
more than a hobby because nobody can possibly win on every single bet right? I
mean its possible to win on 50% or 60% of your wagers consistently but is
this winning percentage enough to base an sustainable business plan or income on? Can people
make a living betting on sports?Believe it or not: Yes you can and many people
do every day! When I found out about the simplicity of the Sure Win sports
bet, I was amazed at how simple tn the concept was. My answer to you is
this:- Not everybody places bets. As a result, Sportsbook B is slower to react
to the arbitrage creating event. These are things people rarely like to invest in.-
Sportsbooks will typically limit your wagering amount per sporting event to minimize their risk per
event. One good two markets, immediate profit, no risk.Given the theory of perfect competiton as
defined by our friends in Investopedia, in a perfect market structure all arbitrage opportunites will
be adjusted to a point of non existence by their exploitation. More importantly it requires
time, effort patience and research. Since the return per abr averages between 2% and 5%,
your upside potential is limited. You are guaranteed to profit with zero risk.If you are
like me you should be saying: "Yeah right! If it where that easy, why arent
more people doing it". People that are not risk averse and do like to bet
typically are looking for huge upside and might not have the patience to implement an
arbitrage system.If you think this concept makes sense and would like to obtain more information,
I recommend this site (visit where you can sign up for a free 15
day trial to receive sports betting arbitrage opportunities directly on your desktop.I do not claim
to be an expert on this subject and invite anyone who has had experience using
a sports arbitrage system to comment on this article and provide us with some valuable
insight. This is when you capitalize and place bets on both Sportsbook A and Sportsbook
B for the same event. They are risk averse and as such they avoid the
stock market as well as casinos and professional sports betting (God bless them!).- You
do need capital to start. All of them react to changes in the market at
different speeds. Sportsbook B might offer the same action but since it is a European
company it will specialize in soccer betting. In other words, as news of the opportunity
spreads and people act upon it, it will disappear.Keeping this in mind, these opportunites are
present everyday but one must be patient and wait for the right opportunity. It is
based on a concept that is very common in financial markets and is implemented everyday
by professional currency traders worldwide. You may do so at Rider is lead staff
writer for ProSportsBlog ( providing objective sports commentary and sports related articles to the sports
betting community..
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